by Hilary Gallo | Feb 22, 2017
As a writer, I’m interested in story We hear a lot about story and it’s ability to connect but how do we tell great stories? A great story follows a structure A lot of a story’s power resides in how we use the structure true for James Bond as it is...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 22, 2017
This was an unusual team day. I suggested we bring in a quartet It was something just to hear music in the office What made it was the experience of how the musicians communicated This was an exercise that connected people emotionally It worked – beautifully...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 22, 2017
Friday Club is a thing I do with Alison Sayers. It’s about developing our Courage by having more of a relationship with our Fears It’s a three hour afternoon group workshop It’s not for profit and it’s a good way to see what I...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 22, 2017
In November 2016 I did a one day Negotiation workshop for the School of Life. It is was based on a more Emotionally Intelligent approach. I loved it and so did the participants It’s a format I’ll be doing more of in...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 22, 2017
I’ve worked with Tom Hodgkinson at the Idler a number of times now Tom’s idea was to do an alternative business course called “Businesses for Bohemians” – for people like him I say alternative – Luke Johnson, Charles Handy and James...