by Hilary Gallo | Apr 29, 2017
I like walking and being outside. Combining it with my work has always seemed like a great idea. Problem is, I don’t do it enough. I don’t do it enough because I don’t suggest it enough. Fortunately my clients are beginning to demand it and this week three...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 27, 2017
At a recent event, I was lucky enough to be part of a conversation between two highly successful women, Katie Driver and Amanda Pelham Green. With a certain frankness, our conversation quickly turned to networking itself. Katie had the courage to say that it was...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 27, 2017
Make Words Matter is all about the language of change From the start it’s been a project that gets attention Most know there is a problem with the language of war The question is – how deep does it go? What’s going on here? How deeply does it affect...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 24, 2017
This is Margaret, the last Countess of Tyrol. She was, by all accounts, a formidable woman. What Margaret teaches us is where power really lies. In 1334 she led her army into battle which led to a siege of Hochosterwitz Castle in Austria. The Countess’s was...
by Hilary Gallo | Feb 24, 2017
This was a piece about the real meaning of luxury, its relevance to our everyday and the tradition of breakfasting at the Wolseley that I posted on...