I was a cheeky kid.
Why go to school
when you can play in the woods?
Why accept things
when you can experiment
and take them to bits?
Life on,
and in,
the water matters to me
and I see vessels
and the journeys we make in them
as metaphors for our lives and work

Something about the glamour
maybe the helicopters in the brochures
attracted me to the Law
As a lawyer
you do get to see life
under the covers

After a while, I wanted more out of my life
I wanted to do something different
so I left to run my own business
I followed my passion
for designing, creating and solving problems
After a few years I exchanged my business freedom for a salary
and joined a tech business as their lawyer
essentially their problem solver
whilst enjoying the beginnings of middle age spread

I then moved to what had been Ross Perot’s business, EDS
and got involved in the early days of outsourcing in the UK
In his book, Ken Follett tells the story of EDS
and the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis
where Perot busted his men out
with a private army
That is how we ran the business..
…on wings of eagles
from where,
I felt increasingly uncomfortable
and jumped
I moved to Andersen Consulting which later became Accenture
and started to focus more on the people side of the business
Over 10 years there, I moved into negotiating and selling deals,
met my wife and a son and a daughter soon followed

During the next 7 years at Capgemini as Commercial Director
I qualified as a mediator and a coach and started writing
In 2013 I left my last job and set up on my own
My first book “The Power of Soft” was crowdfunded
and came out in January 2016
These days I am happy to do what I love
Writing is important to me – observing and connecting
In a practical way
As an enabler to my clients

My detailed career history on LinkedIn is here
In terms of formal qualifications for what I do now, I am a CEDR Accredited Mediator and a Meyler Campbell Executive Coach (accredited by WABC and the SRA)
I’m a Realise2 Accredited Strengths Coach and am also Lumina Spark, Emotion and Leader Accredited
My clients appreciate the fact that I know what its like to be in their shoes.
I have tools and approaches but I do prefer to meet situations as I find them
For me, context is crucial.
We need to step back to step up
but in the end
action is what matters.